Get up close and personal with practicing Forensic Scientists and hear about actual Singapore crime stories from the “horse’s mouth”. Hear about how science is applied to solve cases, and find out what it takes to be a Forensic Scientist. Is it really a job meant for the “smart” ones?
Silent Witnesses of Crime
Through this interactive talk, students are introduced to Forensic Science and learn about the various types of evidence. They will get to hear about actual cases and be intrigued by how forensic science helped to provide answers to the “who”, what”, “where”, “when”, “why” and “how”. They will also have the opportunity to have their burning questions about Forensic Science answered by our Scientists!
Do You Have What It Takes?
Through this informative talk, students learn what is required to pursue a career in Forensic Science, and appreciate how knowledge gained in class can be applied in the real world. Students can also benefit from the insight and advice of our Forensic Scientists. This talk is suitable for schools looking at creating awareness among students about the different career opportunities in the workforce.
To find out more, kindly contact us.